Infusion Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

When you’re living with rheumatoid arthritis, even daily tasks can seem overwhelming. Simply getting ready for the day, cooking meals, and driving can prove challenging. When traditional medicine isn’t controlling your symptoms and bringing your life back to normalcy, you need more options. Luckily, rheumatoid arthritis infusion therapy treatments can help provide relief.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that affects your body resulting in swelling and chronic pain. It can affect your blood vessels, skin, joints, and the lining of the joints. The pain becomes worse as the condition progresses, causing damage and occasionally deformity to joint cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause other symptoms like fatigue, decreased appetite, and stiffness.

Oral medications are often the first line of defense against painful symptoms, but some people with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis don’t find relief or have trouble taking oral medications. In these cases, physicians can prescribe infusion therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. There are multiple medications that can be given as IV treatments and they are delivered directly into the patient’s bloodstream. IV therapy typically offers faster, more effective results for patients than oral treatment. Rheumatoid arthritis infusion therapy provides patients with:

  • Relief from pain and swelling
  • Increased range of motion
  • Prevention from more joint damage
  • Slowing of bone damage
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Improved quality of life

The length of time of rheumatoid arthritis infusion sessions differs for each patient based on the severity of their condition and the type of medication that is administered. Ongoing IV treatments typically provide relief for six months to one year.

Most patients will experience minimal side effects such as itching at the injection site, dizziness, fever, or flu-like symptoms. To reduce your chances of experiencing side effects, be sure to talk to your doctor about any medications you’re taking and your medical history. Our infusion pharmacists will be able to help explain any possible side effects of your medication and your nurse will monitor you and your comfort level during rheumatoid arthritis infusion treatments.

During the infusion treatment, an IV fluid bag containing medication is attached to an infusion tubing connected to the catheter in your arm. Rheumatoid arthritis infusion treatments may take several hours.

During the infusion, our goal is to make you as comfortable as possible in our resort-like facility. Each patient has a dedicated nurse during treatment. We will provide you with complimentary healthy snacks and beverages, cozy blankets, and entertainment options. You are welcome to bring guests during your visit. Enjoy our Wi-Fi, library materials, movies, and TV shows. Patients can choose a private suite or relax and socialize in a community treatment suite.

AmeriPharma Infusion Center™ staff goes above and beyond to help you navigate your treatments and find financial assistance if needed. Contact us today for a free consultation.